Moonside Productions

A formless music for the age to come. Or perhaps the last music on earth called up from out of the ashes of its ruin.

[MNSD013] moonSide/

A compilation of Moonside’s best tracks of the prior eight years. This is a good cross-section of the range and evolution of Moonside in a reasonably well-developed and accessible form and a much more thorough exploration of its particular experimental motifs. This era of Moonside coincides with its productions coming into stride with the second generation thereof, as well as the distinctive maturation of the previously nascent Tribes of Moonside sessions which proved a shot in the arm for the productions at large.

More technically did this era emerge with the predominant usage of 4-track cassette recording and the eventual use of Hi-Fi VHS mastering. No less did it emerge with RMBLRX’s own matured and distinctive iteration of his particular warBit motif, which also worked its way into the wider world of Moonside Productions.

This compilation stands on the precipice of Moonside’s third and final generation of development.


  • DVDAi
  • Michael Ross
  • Ross Bell
  • Stuart Ensz
  • Mike Miller
  • Andrew Robertson
  • Marc Wagner
  • Theresa Swedzinski
  • Evan Washechek
  • Josh Ireland
  • CLNT!